And it's goodnight from me ...
It's time for me to hit the hay, it's been a busy one. I haven't been on the bar today, which is strange for me & I have missed it - I always do. Instead, I have been busy with paperwork (boring but necessary - so many rules, regulations, forms etc., and they all have to be kept up to date). I do my number crunching in the morning, we were up early today for the beer delivery, so my brain cells were popping at a more unhealthy hour than normal. Delivery notes checked, invoices received and prices checked, I had a quick look at Facebook, whilst I had a cuppa.
That lot done, I fired up on my pc and, having checked out the latest brewery deals on line, was happy to note that I am 'all over it', what deals are there to be done, are currently being offered to our customers so "job's a gud un". I then caught up with the latest hospitality industry news: an interesting innovation seems to be catching on - pump dispensers at tables. Obviously a bit of novelty, way too pricey for Leopard pockets at the moment - but would our customers want to serve their own beer? I doubt the world will be happy until everything is fully automated - pubs included. I have images of mine, Callum's and Sadie's faces being squeezed onto screens and secured on our bar (Back to The Future, Café 80s style) if the powers that be (whoever they are) get their way. Where would the warm welcome be in that? Where too the shoulder to cry on, giggle buddy, agony aunt, friendly point of view giving, banter efficient barmaid, barman or landlady? Gone - that's where, but I digress.
So, where was I - oh yes, next task of the day - answering emails (do people actually write letters, send invitations or cards by post anymore?) Among the important stuff from customers, the brewery, other suppliers and people who think their 'wonderful' gadgets will save us publicans time (please see previous paragraph for my thoughts on that one) was the usual junk from people I don't know, social media notifications (how does one turn those things off??). A few emails from prospective bands and I am off on a journey (via YouTube Videos and the like) of Simon Cowellesque virtual auditions. Making notes on those who might make it onto our Gig Guide for 2017!
Till Time: I have OCD when it comes to 'doing the till'. Obviously it has to be right, but it also has to be my kinda right. I like, for some odd reason, shiny coppers and will seek them out for inclusion in the till drawer. Similarly, notes have to be Queen's head up and placed so that 'she' is at the back. Change sorted, float counted it's time for another cuppa. Callum does make a great cuppa - I love tea as much as I love Real Ale, but not as much as I love my cats.
Next job on the list (I don't actually have a 'list' - I see making one as losing valuable time that could be better spend doing the job rather than writing it down) is to continue updating The Leopard Web Site. Gone are the days when a good publican was notable for his or her prowess in keeping Real Ale, joke telling and glass polishing - now we have to be IT savvy too. I am learning as I go, so progress with new features is a bit slow, but on the upside I am at that age. You know, the one where you're never to old to learn. On the down side I could also be that fabled old dog that can't be taught any new tricks. If you are reading this, then I have mastered the art of blogging!
As I work, I am interrupted by telephone calls & progress reports from Callum.
1. No I don't want cheap, almost out of date, kegs of dodgy ale - thank you white van man, The Leopard is a tied house - do your homework before calling, it'll save you time and money.
2. Yes, Callum, that's a great idea - but give it some more thought and come back to me when it's been snagged out - by the way, can I have a cuppa please.
3. Yes please, EE, I would like to upgrade my phone, here's a list of my terms, demands and needs - get back to me when you can meet them.
4. Oh hello there (insert name of band here), yes, I am familiar with your work, you ROCK - here's a few dates for next year, check with the other band members and get back to me. Oh and is your price negotiable? We are but a small, local pub and we don't charge admission!
And so on.
Cats to feed, bed to make, washing to do, things to tidy away. Domestic stuff provides a break from office stuff. All this stuff, however, keeps me from the thing I like the most, spending time with our customers. I love people, (just as well given what I do for a living!|) you each have your stories, anecdotes, family, friends, pets, work and lives - the details of which are stored in my head so that I can chat to you about any of them, should chatting be required. Some of you like to chat, others have their distractions - crosswords, newspapers, phones (not so much phones, a signal in The Leopard is as easy to find as a pin in fog - sorting this in my list of things to do - the one in my head).
Back to the office. More work on the web site, more calls, and then a pleasant interruption by my Grandson, we chat about school, the cats, his sister and other important, but very amusing, innocent stuff. And make a date to meet in the morning for a bit of TV watching and another natter.
Talking of which, I had best get done here and get some kip. I hope tonight's league poker game went well and that the players enjoyed it. Sadie and Callum have been keeping me posted as to what is going on, as time passes. There are only two times in my day - opening and closing time and those cannot be messed with. What happens in between those two times changes on a daily basis, as does what happens before and after them. I do love that about being a landlady, I never know where the day will take me, what I will get up to or who will come through the door.
If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a publican - well, I guess I have given you an insight here. Tomorrow, however will be different, I don't know how, but I know it will.
Sweet dreams & goodnight.