Looking Back... Part I

Look at me - all wild hair and no make up, with a hint of a Mona Lisa smile. This was taken back in 2010, not long after we came to The Leopard. It's a cliché - but in some ways the 4th of June, 2010 (a very important date in my own, my family's & The Leopard's history) seems like it was yesterday, yet it also feels as if I have been here so much longer than six years. And I mean that in a good way - I have found my Nirvana, right here in Tutbury. When we first came to The Leopard it was as 'baby sitters', our mission was simply to look after the place (for a few months) whilst the brewery found new tenants. I quickly began to realise that this was where I wanted to be. I hoped and dreamt. Something worth having is never easily come by, but sometimes dreams come true - and I am now able to say (quite proudly) that I am the longest serving licensee in the village!

2016 is quite a big year for me! I have been in the hospitality trade for 40 years this year (I was but a child when I started - seriously, I was!) As an innocent (yes, I was innocent once) 13 year old I got a job in a restaurant, part-time, as a waitress, and so began my career in serving the public. Over the last 40 years I have worked in hotels, motels, club, bars and pubs, fulfilling a variety of roles - from chambermaid to chef and barmaid to Landlady! On 4th June 2016, myself and my family will be celebrating 6 Years at The Leopard. (You're invited to join The Celebrations - The Silicone Taxis will be helping us party!) and as the anniversary approaches I thought I would reminisce a little.

I doubt there are many publicans who can boast a longevity which has included them serving gallons of ale to Vikings, Medieval Knights, Red Coats (not the Butlins' entertainers - the army from the 1879 Anglo-Zulu war), Jacobites, Pirates (Which is particularly unusual as Tutbury is bereft of high seas!) German, American and British World War Two Troops and civilians from the same era! No I am not THAT old! Nor do I have a De Lorean. But the fact remains that The Leopard stock has been pillaged by Vikings, it's landlady has swooned before knights in shining armour and I have shared a well earned ale or two with the Red Coats! I have been called Fraulein by German Officers, asked 'have you got any gum, chum' of American troops, saluted British Troops and admired their glamorous wives and girlfriends 1940s hairstyles and fashion. (You too can meet the 1940s troops and their WAGS during our 1940s Weekend celebrations this week.) I have even seen Lady Godiva ride naked on her horse, and if that wasn't enough I have watched Pirates playing pool and Jacobites head banging during many Leopard live gigs (and no I wasn't drunk.)
The Leopard's first ever live gig, (which if memory serves me right saw the Vikings head banging and the arrival of KISS - aka Leopard customers in Halloween Fancy Dress) was way back in October 2010. The band who delivered this first gig were called 'Bladderwrack'! (In case you are wondering, bladderwrack is a type of kelp or seaweed and has been used medicinally for centuries, so what I saw as head banging Vikings could have been some form of ritualistic worship!). Bladderwrack not only gave a great and rockin' performance, but led the way for many more fantastic live bands to appear at The Leopard.
Talking of 'Firsts' (and if you are not a Real Ale fan you might want to skip this paragraph, as it contains a few Leopard Beer Facts) we began offering Guest Ales at The Leopard in the autumn of 2010. I am a real ale drinker, I love the stuff and wanted to offer our ale drinking customers a range of beers, (this having the added advantage of giving me more ales to enjoy too!) so we took a leap of faith and introduced Boondoggle as our first Guest Ale. We've had many Real Ales since (as is evident from our collection of pump clips on the beams behind the bar) not only from Marston's, but from award winning breweries covering all of Great Britain, including the Isle of Man! Our reputation as a Real Ale pub grew and in 2015 I was honoured (and extremely excited - like seriously - 'kid on Chirstmas Eve' excited) to learn that The Leopard had been included in CAMRA's Good Beer Guide! In case you were wondering (some of you might be) our fastest ever selling Guest Ale was Cherry Picker - and it remains my favourite Ale to date. This fruity little number, from Wychwood Brewery, sold out in less than 24 hours! Aside from our guests, Pedigree, remains a firm favourite among Leopard customers (you cant beat a locally produced pint, in a good local) and we get through gallons of it each week. Last year I was delighted when we finally took delivery of our own Real Ale - Leopard's Best Bitter - which is 'Spot On' and we also stock Razor Back, which at ONLY £2.80 a pint is great value too. Where real ales are concerned The Leopard maxim is 'variety is the spice of life! (Thanks for sticking with me, I'm a bit of an enthusiastic 'anorak' when it comes to beer, but I do know that, like Real ale, beer facts are not to everyone's tastes!)

Something that is to most people's tastes, however, is having a good time, and in the last 6 years we've been fortunate to enjoy and share many celebrations, parties and good times at The Leopard. On a personal level I have become a grandma twice and, at time of writing am eagerly awaiting the birth of my 4th grandchild! My 50th birthday was a night to remember (unfortunately I can only recall some of it, but I do have some great photos!) We've had some great Anniversary parties too, including a beach party, complete with beach!

When our first Halloween came to pass at The Leopard I spent weeks trying to convince my long suffering offspring to don costumes. They were dead (excuse the pun) against it! I cajoled, begged, offered money and eventually persuaded my very reluctant family to dress up. We had a ball, and now, when ever we are planning an event, the first thing they ask is 'do we get to dress up?'! And it's not only us that like to dress up, our customers are a fun loving bunch, who always rise to the occasion!
Whilst we have provided many 'excuses' to everyone to dress up, it wasn't until the first Leos Award Ceremony that I realised what a handsome and beautiful bunch The Leopard Customers are! We certainly brought a little Hollywood glamour to Tutbury with our two Leo nights and of the many special events we have hosted over our time at The Leopard - The Leos was both the most time-consuming and stressful to organise, but at the same time, the most memorable, fun and unusual nights we've had the pleasure of offering and enjoying.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this little wander down memory lane, but for now I have to park up the Nostalgia Blog Bus as I am due on the bar. Rest assured you can climb aboard again soon to continue my magical, mystery tour of 'The Leopard Years!'
As they promised at the end of Back to the Future, part one - To be continued >>>>